Sunday, September 18, 2005

Looking Back

Iraq Elections

Bit of a long gap since the last update ... mainly because rather than being sensible and pursuing one project at a time, I've been working on several things at once and therefore completing little. One thing I have got finished is rescanning and revamping the Iraqi Election gallery on the site - looks a little better now.

Next up is the Dungeness gallery - still have lots left to go through from my last trip, and then the everything needs to be put together into some vaguely coherent whole. I have more or less decided to get rid of the whole triptych thing, for both practical and aesthetic reasons.

Seems an appropriate time of year for this sort of thing - summer has drawn to a close, and the prospect of an interminable Manchester winter does tend to make you look back at how you've spent and misspent the year so far...


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